Sunday, January 2, 2011

48 Hours Facebook Free. I'm giving it a shot!

I would by no means consider myself to be addicted to the social networking site Facebook, but I do waste way too much time on there! I decided today to go 48 hours without logging on and see how much I can get done if I am on the computer that much less. So far I have gotten a LOT of cleaning done. Now naps are over and I have to go get my oldest from his crib so he can have his snack and I can fix supper. It has been a very productive afternoon. I think this will convince me to spend less time on there, but I'll probably still log in once every other day at the very least. I do have 3 pages to keep up after all. (personal page, page for my blog, page for my home business that I'd like to really get going (but don't know if I'll have the time)). Well, anyhow. I have to pry myself off of here and get more done. This is an experiment that may very well help me learn to balance things a little better. Wish me luck!


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